In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley, the author of the book is trying to give us a vision of a perfect world with perfect people, who are genetically bred to serve orders. A great work of fiction that has excited terrified readers through time.
In this book you will find about how people don’t have families, religion, or feelings. Huxley’s showing how people take drugs everyday as we do today to prevent unhappiness and how people are having sex without feelings.
John, the main character was raised in a reservation in New Mexico. He met Lenina and Bernard at the reservation and returned with them to the New World. While John was in the New World he tried to stop people from taking soma, a drug they used to be happy, and it didn’t work. Finally John fell in love with Lenina but he knew that it wasn’t right to have feelings.
In Brave New World it’s chilling and sometimes an accurate view of the present day. This book gives exaples of how people are using drugs and they create differents society classes of people. Today's world we also have society clases of rich or poor people and we use drugs. I encourage people to read this book and find out what happens with John and Lenina with their feelings of love.